(Trying) To Get Things Up To Date

I have been really bad at blogging since … well, quite some time (last post in mid 2014 oops!). The move to the UK and starting at Brunel has taken most of my mental bandwidth since last fall, but now with a full semester behind me, and only 4 weeks from the end of second term, I am hoping to get back into keeping my digital spaces up to date (or start thinking about shutting them down). First thing on today’s to-do list- update that darn CV!

Published by Kelly Boudreau

Associate Professor of Interactive Media Theory & Design at Harrisburg University. I research Digital Games, Play, Sociality, Avatars, Toxicity, and Social Norms & Boundary Keeping. Thoughts and ramblings on this site are my own as I grapple with all the things professional and personal and everything in between.

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